
CHORONZON: I am a dire world, prey-stalking, lethal prowler. MORPHEUS: I am a hunter, horse-mounted, wolf-stabbing. CHORONZON: I am a horsefly, horse-stinging, hunter-throwing. MORPHEUS: I am a spider, fly-consuming, eight legged. CHORONZON: I am a snake, spider-devouring, posion-toothed. MORPHEUS: I am an ox, snake-crushing, heavy footed. CHORONZON: I am an anthrax, butcher, bacterium, warm-life destroying. MORPHEUS: I am a world, space-floating, life nurturing. CHORONZON: I am a nova, all-exploding... planet-cremating. MORPHEUS: I am the Universe -- all things encompassing, all life embracing. CHORONZON: I am Anti-Life, the Beast of Judgement. I am the dark at the end of everything. The end of universes, gods, worlds... of everything. Sss. And what will you be then, Dreamlord? MORPHEUS: I am hope.

2 comentários:

FraVernero disse...

Ti o que es é unha boa peza, Muller de Area... xa che quentarei as orellas cando che pesque por Noia. O patriarcado da Serra de Outes tomará vinganza das cousas que lle andas a contar a Pança Souto por Barcelona...

Xa che darei eu esperanza, presidenta!

Iria disse...

Eu muller de area prisioneira...apiádate de los buenos y serás uno de ellos.